The Future of Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Future of MMOGs
Massively Multiplayer Online  Games  are  a fledgeling  industry as  it stands,  the progression from MUDs, MOOs  and  MUSHs to fully fledged  multi-billion  dollar games has  been  rapid, but what  can  happen in the future.  This  paper has  already shown  that the boundaries are being  pushed  by MMOGs  as it stands,  what technical  advantages.

One   of  the  most  important   advancements  in  development   of  MMOGs   is  the  use   of middleware.  Any  game   can   be  split  up  into  smaller  “areas  of  responsibility”,   such  as graphics engine, physics engine, server engine  and  character database. Most MMOGs  are very similar and  they may very well be able  to share  one or more of the same  engines.
There are  a number  of engines  commercially  available  to do  one  or more  of the roles.  A good  example  is the MathEngine's  Karma  physics  engine  employed  in a number  of high profile games:

...eagerly  anticipated titles at  the  show  integrating   the  latest  version  of Karma  Physics.   The  line-up  includes   Sony   Online’s   highly  anticipated massively  multiplayer online  first-person action  game, PlanetSide™;  Atari’s Enter The Matrix™ and  UbiSoft’s Rainbow Six 3 – RavenShield™”  (Renderware Press Release)

Many   other  games   share   other  engines   for  example   the  Turbine  II   game   engine   and rendering engine  are  used  in Asheron's  Call  2  and  Middle  Earth  Online  (The Turbine  2 Engine,  Microsoft Games Insider) this is an  example  of a game  engine  that was  developed in house  by turbine  for Asheron's  Call  2 and  then licensed  out to Sierra  to produce Middle Earth Online.

MMOG  Frameworks
As the MMOG  market has matured,  separate engines  have  been  produced by a number  of software   publishers.   Often  they  have   been   developed  in-house  for  a project,   and   then licensed  out once  the concept  and  implementation  had  been  proven.
There are  companies, that have  dedicated time and  resources  to creating  MMOG  engines as  a whole  package or framework, the premier  producer of such  MMOG  frame  works is BigWorldTech,  who describe their product  as follows:

The    BigWorld™    Technology     represents     the    most    scalable    and customizable Massively Multiplayer Online Game  (MMOG) middleware available anywhere in the world..
..It’s  a  total  solution  to  one   of  the  most  complex   game   development problems  facing  the games  developer community.” (BigWorldTech -  The Complete  MMOG  Soloution)

The  essence  of  projects   like  BigWorld   Techhnology   is  to  create   an   entire   functional framework  for  a MMOG,   then  allow  developers  to  flesh  it out  with  important  aesthetic aspects  such as  textures,  models,  game    logic  and  audio  effects. This  frees  the developers and   designers  up  from  the  complexities   of  implementing   the  various  components  of  a MMOG.
BigWorld  Technology  realised  when  they started  the  project  to create  this framework  that most MMOGs  followed a certain  pattern.   They generally   have  characters, items,  terrain, inventory space, vehicles,  physics and  weather, all of these were  then implemented  together in  the  game   engine.  The  graphics  engine   is  responsible  for  rendering  the  textures  and models  that the the developers have  integrated into the game  engine. The server  engine  is responsible  for  implementing   the  server  logic,  checking   characters  are   where   they  are meant   to  be,   controlling  in  game   non-player   characters  and   managing  the  user  and character databases.
BigWorld  Technology went  one  step  further by implementing  a client engine  and  a server engine, providing  a even  higher  level of abstraction, the  idea  is that  no  longer  does  the designers have  to worry about  coding  anything  at all, BigWorld  Technology  provides  tools to create   the  models,  textures  and  game  logic,  then  to embed   them  into  their  client  and server.

Future Genres
As it stands  the most prevalent  form of MMOG  is a MMORPG, the primary reason  for this is
MMORPGs are  far less demanding than other genres, although  there are  a number  of genres  which have  made  an appearance on the MMOG  scene:

The main  problem  with adapting existing  genres  to the MMOG  market is the players  are often  sceptical  about  new  genres, and  as  most  MMOGs  require  a fairly large  outlay  in terms of buying  the game  and  paying  for subscriptions,  so new untested  genres  often fail to reach  a critical mass.

Virtual Reality
In the Star Trek films created by Gene  Roddenbury, there  was  a device  known  as  a “holo emitter”  that  had  the  capability  of  re-processing  photons  (light) to create  solid  3D  objects and  avatars that  humans  could  interact  with, when  combined with the advanced artificial intelligences  that are  an  integral  part  of Star Trek a “Holo Deck” is created. A “Holo Deck” is essentially a three dimensional visual display  unit.
Within  the films and  series  in the Star  Trek franchise  there  are  a number  of times that the occupants of the  Star  Trek universe  have  used  the  Holo  Deck for a number  of purposes, realization of engineering models,  training  for real life situations  and  playing  multi-player games. Although the “Holo Deck” and  its component  “Holo Emitter” is a fictional technology it is a reality that some  interface  mediums  other than  those  which we are  accustomed to at the moment are  going  to be come available in the future.
With different technologies, comes  different options  and  challenges for MMOG  developers, the  ability  to  totally  interact  with  a Virtual World  is a very  appealing prospect   to  many games  who feel like their hands  are  tied to their desks and  they are  unable  to realise  the full potential  of a virtual  world.  The technology  to actually  produce a 3D working  model  of a virtual  world  and   project   it  in  such  a way  that  the  objects   and   other  avatars  can   be manipulated just by contact,  is a long  way  away. However  other  technologies such as  3D glasses, not only a working  technology  but a product(XForce 3D Glasses),  which project  a different image  into each  eye  giving  a stereoscopic view of  the three  dimensional  objects within the game.
Although 3D projection  equipment  can  deal with the visual aspects, what  you see  and  hear is only  half  of what  the  world  actually consists  of,  there  are  your  other  senses  touch  for discovering  the temperature, texture  or weight  and  for feed back  from events  such as  gun recoil.  In the film Minority Report26  the main character played  by Tom Cruise uses a special glove  to manipulate  a surround  screen  with information,  the  glove  controlled  the  screen, when  the screen  could  not be  controlled  the glove  would  provide  feedback  to tell the user the end of the screen  had  been  hit.

There is no doubt that this is a virtual world, that everything we see and touch is an imitation created from data. But to us, our hearts do exist within this reality. If that’s true, then everything we’re experiencing here should also be true.” Asuna, Sword Art Online

Alexander, Thor, 2003, Massively Multiplayer Game Development,  Charles  River Media, ISBN 1584502436

Asher, Mark 2003 MMOs: The history of Massively Multiplayer Online Games [Online] Available: [Last Accessed:  26th November 2003]   (Graded B)

Bartle, Richard Early MUD History [Online] Available [Last Accessed:  27th  November 2003] (Graded A)

Bartle,   Richard   A  Zork:  A   Computerized  Fantasy  Simulation  Game  [Online] Available: [Last  Accessed:  27th  November 2003] (Graded B)

What is Automatic Speech Recognition?

What is Automatic Speech Recognition?
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) can be defined as the independent, computerdriven transcription of spoken language into readable text in real time. In a nutshell, ASR is technology that allows a computer to identify the words that a person speaks into a microphone or telephone and convert it to written text.
Having a machine to understand fluently spoken speech has driven speech research for more than 50 years. Although ASR technology is not yet at the point where machines understand all speech, in any acoustic environment, or by any person, it is used on a daytoday basis in a number of applications and services.
The ultimate goal of ASR research is to allow a computer to recognize in realtime, with 100% accuracy, all words that are intelligibly spoken by any person, independent of vocabulary size, noise, speaker characteristics or accent.  Today, if the system is trained to learn an individual speaker's voice, then much larger vocabularies are possible and accuracy can be greater than 90%.
Commercially available ASR systems usually require only a short period of speaker training and may successfully capture continuous speech with a large vocabulary at normal pace with a very high accuracy. Most commercial companies claim that recognition software can achieve between 98% to 99% accuracy if operated under optimal conditions. `Optimal conditions' usually assume that users: have speech characteristics which match the training data, can achieve proper speaker adaptation, and work in a clean noise environment.
This explains why some users, especially those whose speech is heavily accented, might achieve recognition rates much lower than expected.

How Does ASR Work?
The goal of an ASR system is to accurately and efficiently convert a speech signal into a text message transcription of the spoken words independent of the speaker, environment or the device used to record the speech (i.e. the microphone).

This process begins when a speaker decides what to say and actually speaks a sentence. (This is a sequence of words possibly with pauses, uh’s, and um’s.) The software then produces a speech wave form, which embodies the words of the sentence as well as the extraneous sounds and pauses in the spoken input. Next, the software attempts to decode the speech into the best estimate of the sentence. First it converts the speech signal into a sequence of vectors which are measured throughout the duration of the speech signal. Then, using a syntactic decoder it generates a valid sequence of representations.

Custom ROM Android

Monday, December 10, 2012

Description ROM
ROM-Read Only Memory is the storage of the data (in this discussion of the file systems) that are Chip-IC. So in general either Stock or Custom ROM  could be interpreted as a file system in the form of software  firmware that is located in ROM IC devices (such as the BIOS IC function analogy on a computer  manage all the peripherals on the mainboard using a Kernel as the main access) which is then modified in such a way that more can be anything as you wish, of course keep the original firmware version-based/Stock ROM from device vendor or factory output. Technically the system file in the Stock ROM device download-taken by Custom third-party Developers to modify them as you wish, then implanted it again to the device or to another devices which support via flashing method.

What a Custom ROM?
Custom rom  is a file system device firmware either mobile, tablet or PC OS is already in full by 3rd party developers with specific objectives and by changing the official firmware-original (Stock ROM) vendor's provisioning the device.
No exception on android-based devices, firmware on the android can also be modified, thus named by mod android (android modification) or better known as custom ROM. ROM itself means Read Only Memory, but when used in android modding community then it means to be a custom OS image is installed into a ROM in device
In the custom ROM of course you are no stranger to the kernel, the kernel is often referred to in the custom rom is the heart of the OS, the kernel is the barebone of the components in an OS. A custom ROM is a version of the OS that stands on its own, in the custom ROM includes the kernel, apps, services, drivers, etc. All is included that is used to run a device, except that it is in full by a developer (or team) is not of the company or device makers known as vendors.
Custom ROM in full means to modify, replace, eliminate most ato all parts, perform optimization, add, and do a variety of things that can mreka the Fox from the stock ROM standard.

The Purpose of the Custom ROM
The purpose of the creation of a Custom ROM is to change and or new features of firmware Android devices that have the capacity, reliability and performance  in excess of what is already offered by the original firmware. The ability  can be improved features: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, Audio, Display, Rebooted, Rooted, Network, 3 g Modem, ease to Install applications, even Over Clock the Processor Android devices.

Natural Beauty of Bunaken Marine Park

Monday, December 3, 2012

Natural beauty is the real form of the love of God to us humans for their beauty is one symbol of the wealth of this world. As human beings we should have been responsible for the nature around the place we live, by way of safeguard and preserve it. Hear the words natural beauty, we immediately think of the natural beauty of Indonesia. Indonesia is the largest archipelago country which has a very natural beauty. One of the beauties of nature in indonesia's Bunaken National Park. Take the name of Bunaken, direct memory floated to the northernmost region of the island of Sulawesi. Five Island (Mantehage, Nain, Manado Tua, Bunaken, Siladen) form the Bunaken National Park, covering an area of 75.256 hectares. The natural charm of Bunaken inevitably managed to local and abroad to come back. Sea travel buff, certainly the least satisfied in the Bunaken has 40 dive sites that serve different types of tropical fish and coral reefs. One type of living coral, coral reefs and the edge of the barrier. Most caught my attention is the coral reef tebung vertical stretching along 50 meters. Visitors can dive and witness the 150 species of the genus 58 fish and coral reefs of Bunaken National Marine Park area. Guaranteed divers will be amazed by the richness of the Marine Park.

Bunaken National Marine Park has a 20 point dive (dive spot) with the depth varies up to 1,344 metres. Of the 20 point dive, dive point 12 of them around Bunaken Island. Twelve point dive this is the most often visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of the underwater scenery.

The kind of large fish such as marlin, tuna, rays, screen, skipjack tuna, Barracuda, sharks head occasionally transited through these waters. Understandably, damage to Bunaken National Park lower relative compared to other marine parks spread across Indonesia.
In addition to the Bunaken National Park much more natural beauty that exist in Indonesia. We must continue to maintain and preserve the natural beauty of the natural beauty that is not broken or missing.

Vocaloid (Singing Synthesizer)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

About Vocaloid
Vocaloid (ボーカロイド Bōkaroido) is a singing synthesizer. Its signal processing part developed through a joint research project between the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and Japan's Yamaha Corporation, who backed the development financially—and later developed the software into the commercial product "Vocaloid". The software enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody. It uses synthesizing technology with specially recorded vocals of voice actors or singers. To create a song, the user must input the melody and lyrics. A piano roll type interface is used to input the melody and the lyrics can be entered on each note. The software can change the stress of the pronunciations, add effects such as vibrato, or change the dynamics and tone of the voice. Each Vocaloid is sold as "a singer in a box" designed to act as a replacement for an actual singer. The software was originally only available in English and Japanese, but as of Vocaloid 3, Spanish, Chinese and Korean will be added.
The software is intended for professional musicians as well as light computer music users and has so far sold on the idea that the only limits are the users' own skills. Japanese musical groups Livetune of Victor Entertainment and Supercell of Sony Music Entertainment Japan have released their songs featuring Vocaloid as vocals. Japanese record label Exit Tunes of Quake Inc. also have released compilation albums featuring Vocaloids. Artists such as Mike Oldfield have also used Vocaloids within their work for back up singer vocals and sound samples.
Screenshot of the software interface for Vocaloid
Yamaha started development of Vocaloid in March 2000 and announced it for the first time at the German fair Musikmesse on March 5–9, 2003. The first Vocaloids, Leon and Lola, were released by the studio Zero-G on March 3, 2004, both of which were sold as a "Virtual Soul Vocalist". Leon and Lola made their first appearance at the NAMM Show on January 15, 2004. Leon and Lola were also demonstrated at the Zero-G Limited booth during Wired Nextfest and won the 2005 Electronic Musician Editor's Choice Award. Zero-G later released Miriam, with her voice provided by Miriam Stockley, in July 2004. Later that year, Crypton Future Media also released their first Vocaloid Meiko. In June 2005, Yamaha upgraded the engine version to 1.1. A patch was later released to update all Vocaloid engines to Vocaloid 1.1.2, adding new features to the software, although there were differences between the output results of the engine. A total of five Vocaloid products were released from 2004 to 2006. Vocaloid had no previous rival technology to contend with at the time of its release, with the English version only having to face the later release of VirSyn's Cantor software during its original run. Despite having Japanese phonetics, the interface lacked a Japanese version and both Japanese and English vocals had an English interface. The only differences between versions were the color and logo that changed per template. As of 2011, this version of the software is no longer supported by Yamaha and will no longer be updated.

Vocaloid 2
Vocaloid 2 was announced in 2007. Due to time constraints, unlike the previous engine version, it did not have a public beta test and instead the software was updated as users reported issues with it. The synthesis engine and the user interface were completely revamped, with Japanese Vocaloids possessing a Japanese interface. New features such as note auditioning, transparent control track, toggling between playback and rendering, and expression control were implemented. One's breath noise and husky voice can be recorded into the library to make realistic sounds. This version is not backward compatible and its editor cannot load a library built for the previous version. Aside from the PC software, NetVocaloid services are offered. Despite this, the software was not localized and Vocaloids of either English or Japanese would only possess that language version, so although Megurine Luka had an English library included, as a Japanese Vocaloid she only had access to the Japanese version of the software. In total, there were 17 packages produced for Vocaloid 2 in the Japanese version of the software and five in the English version; these packages offered 35 voicebanks between them in either English or Japanese.
Yamaha announced a version of the Vocaloid 2 software for the iPhone and iPad, which exhibited at the Y2 Autumn 2010 Digital Content Expo in Japan. Later, this version of the software was released using the voice of Yamaha's own Vocaloid called VY1.

Vocaloid 3
Vocaloid 3 launched on October 21, 2011, along with several products in Japanese and a Korean product, the first of its kind. Several studios are providing updates to allow Vocaloid 2 vocal libraries to come over to Vocaloid 3. It will also include the software "Vocalistener", which adjusts parameters iteratively from a user's singing to create natural synthesized singing. It will support additional languages including Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. It is also able to use plug-ins for the software itself and switch between normal and "classic" mode for less realistic vocal results. Unlike previous versions, the vocal libraries and main editing software are sold as two separate items. The vocal libraries themselves only contain a "tiny" version of the Vocaloid 3 editing software. Yamaha will also be granting the licensing of plug-ins and use of the Vocaloid software for additional mediums such as video games. Also, Vocaloid 3 has Triphone support unlike Vocaloid 2 which improves language capabilities.
New technology is also being used to bring back the voice of the singer Hitoshi Ueki who died in 2007. This is the first attempt to bring back a singer whose voice had been lost, yet it had been considered a possibility since the software was first released in 2004. However, this is only being done for private use.

Inquiry Letter

Monday, November 26, 2012

1. Arrange complete business letter

2. Theory of inquiry letter
Definition of Inquiry Letter
A letter of inquiry asks someone for specific information. In some cases, such as a request for promotional material, the recipient will have a clear interest in responding to your letter. In other cases, such as a request for specific information on a product, the recipient may or may not be as motivated to respond quickly. Consequently, always make the tone of the letter friendly and make it easy for the recipient to identify and provide the information you need.
Format of a Letter of Inquiry
Follow this format in writing a letter of inquiry :
a. In the first paragraph, identify yourself and, if appropriate, your position, and your institution or firm.

b. In the second paragraph, briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use the requested information. Offer to keep the response confidential if such an offer seems reasonable.
c. List the specific information you need. You can phrase your requests as questions or as a list of specific items of information. In either case, make each item clear and discrete.
d. Conclude your letter by offering your reader some incentive for responding.
3. The Example of Inquiry Letter and Replay For Inquiry Letter

Bibliography :

Virus Komputer

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Virus merupakan suatu nama program komputer yang memiliki kemampuan untuk merusak file atau merusak sistem komputer. Virus memiliki berbagai nama / jenis dan mempunyai cara kerja yang berbeda-beda. Berikut ini virus-virus yang umum dan secara potensial menyebabkan kerusakan. Virus-virus baru diciptakan setiap hari. Artinya banyak virus yang tidak termasuk di dalam daftar ini. Hal terbaik yang dapat kita lakukan adalah selalu waspada, selalu meng-update anti virus, dan selalu perhatikan komputer anda apakah sedang terkena virus atau tidak.

Virus yang sudah di compile sehingga dapat dieksekusi langsung. Ini adalah virus yang pertama kali muncul di dunia komputer, dan mengalami perkembangan pesat sekarang. Virs pertama ini sangatlah sulit dibasmi karena dibuat dengan bahasa rendah, assembler. Memang bahasa ini cocok untuk membuat virus namun sangatlah susah menggunakannya. Keunggulan dari virus ini adalah mampu melakukan hampir seluruh manipulasi yang mana hal ini tidak selalu dapat dilakukan oleh virus jenis lain karena lebih terbatas.

Adalah virus yang memanfaatkan file yang dapat diijalankan/dieksekusi secara langsung. Biasanya file *.EXE atau *.COM. Tapi bisa juga menginfeksi file *.SYS, *.DRV, *.BIN, *.OVL dan *.OVY. Jenis Virus ini dapat berpindah dari satu media ke semua jenis media penyimpanan dan menyebar dalam sebuah jaringan.

Atau lebih dikenal sebagai virus Boot. Kenapa begitu karena virus ini memanfaatkan file-file yang dipakai untuk membuat suatu sistem komputer. Sering terdapat di disket/tempat penyimpanan tanpa sepengetahuan kita. Saat akan menggunakan komputer(restart), maka virus ini akan menginfeksi Master Boot Sector dan System Boot Sector jika disket yang terinfeksi ada di drive disket/tempat penyimpanan.

Virus yang memanfaatkan hubungan antar komputer dan tempat penyimpanan untuk penyebaran virus.Apabila pada boot sector terdapat suatu program yang mampu menyebarkan diri dan mampu tinggal di memory selama komputer bekerja, maka program tersebut dapat disebut virus. Virus boot sector terbagi dua yaitu virus yang menyerang disket dan virus yang menyerang disket dan tabel partisi.

Suatu program yang dimodifikasi untuk menginstal sebuah virus komputer yang menjadi target serangan. setelah terinstal, maka virus akan menyebar tetapi Dropper tidak ikut menyebar. Dropper bisa berupa nama file seperti Readme.exe atau melalui yang menjadi aktif ketika program berjalan. Satu program Dropper bisa terdapat beberapa jenis Virus.

Awalnya virus ini terkenal dengan nama virus batch seperti yang dulu terdapat di file batch yang ada di DOS.Virus script biasanya sering didapat dari Internet karena kelebihannya yang fleksibel dan bisa berjalan pada saat kita bermain internet, virus jenis ini biasanya menumpang pada file HTML (Hype Text Markup Language) dibuat dengan menggunakan fasilitas script seperti Javascript, VBscript,4 maupun gabungan antara script yang mengaktifkan program Active-X dari Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Virus yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas pemrograman modular pada suatu program aplikasi seperti Ms Word, Ms Excel, Corel WordPerfect dan sebagainya. Walaupun virus ini terdapat didalam aplikasi tertentu tetapi bahaya yang ditimbulkan tidak kalah berbahanya dari virus-virus yang lain.
Virus ini menggunakan cara cerdik, yakni dengan memodifikasi struktur file untuk meyembunyikan kode program tambahan di dalamnya. Kode ini memungkinkan virus ini dapat menyembunyika diri. Semua jenis virus lain juga memanfaatkan kode ini. Ukuran-ukuran file tidak berubah setelah virus menginfeksi file.

Virus jenis ini mencari file *.EXE untuk membuat sebuah file *.COM dan menyalin untuk meletakkan virus. Alasannya, file *.COM berjalan sebelum file *.EXE.

Ini adalah sebuah program yang bersifat parasit karena dapat menduplikasi diri. Akan tetapi, worm tidak menyerupai virus karena tidak menginfeksi program komputer lainnya. Oleh karena itu, Worm tidak digolongkan ke dalam virus. Mainframe adalah jenis komputer yang sering diserang Worm. Penyebarannya pada komputer lainnya melalui jaringan. Dalam perkembangannya Worm mengalami “mutasi genetik” sehingga selain membuat suatu file baru, ia pun akan berusaha menempelkan dirinya sendiri ke suatu file, ini biasa disebut virus Hybrid.

Jenis-jenis virus yang berbahaya lainnya antara lain :
Trojan horse atau Kuda Troya atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Trojan dalam keamanan komputer merujuk kepada sebuah bentuk perangkat lunak yang mencurigakan (malicious software/malware) yang dapat merusak sebuah sistem atau jaringan. Tujuan dari Trojan adalah memperoleh informasi dari target (password, kebiasaan user yang tercatat dalam system log, data, dan lain-lain), dan mengendalikan target Trojan Horse menyerang apabila kita mendownload data dari internet. Virus ini akan menginjeksi file. dll ke internetexplorer.exe yang menyebabkan ketidakstabilan sistem.

Cara Kerja :
  • Trojan berbeda dengan jenis perangkat lunak mencurigakan lainnya seperti virus komputer atau worm karena dua hal berikut:
  • Trojan bersifat “stealth” (siluman dan tidak terlihat) dalam operasinya dan seringkali berbentuk seolah-olah program tersebut merupakan program baik-baik, sementara virus komputer atau worm bertindak lebih agresif dengan merusak sistem atau membuat sistem menjadi crash.
  • Trojan tidak mereplikasi dirinya sendiri, sementara virus komputer dan worm melakukannya.
  • Pada umumnya Trojan tidak berbahaya selama pengguna tidak terhubung pada internet atau jaringan. Karena Trojan dikendalikan dari komputer lain (komputer attacker).
Cara Penyebaran :
  • Penggunaan istilah Trojan atau Trojan horse dimaksudkan untuk menyusupkan kode-kode mencurigakan dan merusak di dalam sebuah program baik-baik dan berguna; seperti halnya dalam Perang Troya, para prajurit Sparta bersembunyi di dalam Kuda Troya yang ditujukan sebagai pengabdian kepada Poseidon. Kuda Troya tersebut menurut para petinggi Troya dianggap tidak berbahaya, dan diizinkan masuk ke dalam benteng Troya yang tidak dapat ditembus oleh para prajurit Yunani selama kurang lebih 10 tahun perang Troya bergejolak.
  • Kebanyakan Trojan saat ini berupa sebuah berkas yang dapat dieksekusi (*.EXE atau *.COM dalam sistem operasi Windows dan DOS atau program dengan nama yang sering dieksekusi dalam sistem operasi UNIX, seperti ls, cat, dan lain-lain) yang dimasukkan ke dalam sistem yang ditembus oleh seorang cracker untuk mencuri data yang penting bagi pengguna (password, data kartu kredit, dan lain-lain). Trojan juga dapat menginfeksi sistem ketika pengguna mengunduh aplikasi (seringnya berupa game komputer) dari sumber yang tidak dapat dipercayai dalam jaringan Internet. Aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut dapat memiliki kode Trojan yang diintegrasikan di dalam dirinya dan mengizinkan seorang cracker untuk dapat mengacak-acak sistem yang bersangkutan.
Jenis-Jenis Trojan
Beberapa jenis Trojan yang beredar antara lain :
Pencuri password: Jenis Trojan ini dapat mencari password yang disimpan di dalam sistem operasi (/etc/passwd atau /etc/shadow dalam keluarga sistem operasi UNIX atau berkas Security Account Manager (SAM) dalam keluarga sistem operasi Windows NT) dan akan mengirimkannya kepada si penyerang yang asli. Selain itu, jenis Trojan ini juga dapat menipu pengguna dengan membuat tampilan seolah-olah dirinya adalah layar login (/sbin/login dalam sistem operasi UNIX atau Winlogon.exe dalam sistem operasi Windows NT) serta menunggu pengguna untuk memasukkan passwordnya dan mengirimkannya kepada penyerang. Contoh dari jenis ini adalah Passfilt Trojan yang bertindak seolah-olah dirinya adalah berkas Passfilt.dll yang aslinya digunakan untuk menambah keamanan password dalam sistem operasi Windows NT, tapi disalahgunakan menjadi sebuah program pencuri password.
Pencatat penekanan tombol (keystroke logger/keylogger): Jenis Trojan ini akan memantau semua yang diketikkan oleh pengguna dan akan mengirimkannya kepada penyerang. Jenis ini berbeda dengan spyware, meski dua hal tersebut melakukan hal yang serupa (memata-matai pengguna).

Tool administrasi jarak jauh (Remote Administration Tools/RAT): Jenis Trojan ini mengizinkan para penyerang untuk mengambil alih kontrol secara penuh terhadap sistem dan melakukan apapun yang mereka mau dari jarak jauh, seperti memformat hard disk, mencuri atau menghapus data dan lain-lain. Contoh dari Trojan ini adalah Back Orifice, Back Orifice 2000, dan SubSeven.

DDoS Trojan atau Zombie Trojan: Jenis Trojan ini digunakan untuk menjadikan sistem yang terinfeksi agar dapat melakukan serangan penolakan layanan secara terdistribusi terhadap host target.
Ada lagi sebuah jenis Trojan yang mengimbuhkan dirinya sendiri ke sebuah program untuk memodifikasi cara kerja program yang diimbuhinya. Jenis Trojan ini disebut sebagai Trojan virus.

Virus Bagle BC ini termasuk salah satu jenis virus yang berbahaya dan telah masuk peringkat atas jenis virus yang paling cepat mempengaruhi komputer kita. Beberapa jam sejak keluarnya virus ini, sudah terdapat 2 buah varian Bagle ( Bagle BD dan BE )yang menyebar melalui e-mail, jaringan komputer dan aplikasi P2P. Virus ini menyebar melalui e-mail dengan berbagai subyek berbeda. Menurut suatu penelitian dari Panda Software virus Bagle BC ini menyusup ke dalam e-mail dengan subyek antara lain : Re:, Re:Hello, Re:Hi, Re:Thank you, Re:Thanks. Attachment-nya juga bermacam-macam, antara lain : .com, .cpl, .exe, .scr. Virus Bagle BC juga mampu untuk menghentikan kerja program-program antivirus.

Virus yang juga berbahaya ini merupakan salah satu tipe virus Trojan Horse. Merupakan salah satu virus backdoor yang jika berhasil menginfeksi komputer akan mampu melakukan akses dari jarak jauh dan mengambil segala informasi yang diinginkan oleh si penyerang. Sistem operasi yang diserang oleh virus tersebut antara lain : Windows 200, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT dan Windows XP. Virus ini berukuran sebesar 57.856 byte.

Virus trojan yang satu ini menginjeksi komputer tertentu untuk digunakan sebagai tempat berlindung untuk merusak network atau jaringan terkait.

5. VIRUS W32/Netsky-P
Virus ini mampu menyebarkan email massal dengan sendirinya kepada alamat email yang diproduksi oleh suatu file pada PC / local drive.

6. VIRUS W32/Mytob-GH
Virus penyebar email massal dan merupakan Trojan untuk IRC pada komputer berbasis Windows. Pesan-pesan dikirimkan oleh virus ini dengan judul yang dipilih secara acak dari list yang sudah ada seperti : peringatan pembatasan suatu akun, suspensi akun email, ukuran keamanan, member support, peringatan penting.

7. VIRUS W32/Mytob-EX
Virus yang menyebarkan email massal dan Trojan IRC yang mirip dengam W32-mytob-gh. W32/mytob-ex terus menerus di belakang layar, menyediakan pintu belakang bagi server yang untuk menjangkau komputer lain via IRC channel. Virus ini menyebar dengan sendirinya terutama kepada attachments email address.

8. VIRUS W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-E, dan Mytob-ER
Keluarga virus ini mempunyai karasteristik yang sama atas apa yang mereka lakukan. Mereka menyebarkan email massal yang bisa dikendalikan melalui Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. Sebagai tambahan, mereka bisa menyebarkan email melalui bermacam-macam sistem operasi komputer yang lemah seperti LSASS (MS04-011).

9. VIRUS Zafi-D
Merupakan virus pengirim email massal dan peer-to-peer yang membuat salinan sendiri kepada folder sistem windows dengan nama file nortonupdate. exe. Virus ini dapat membuat sejumlah file di folder sistem windows dengan nama file terdiri dari 8 random karakter-karakter dan ekstensi DLL. w32/zafi-d menyalin sendiri ke folder dengan nama yang berisikan share, upload, atau musik sebagai icq 2005anew! . exe atau winamp 5.7 new! . exe. W32/zafi-d juga akan menampilkan kotak pemberitahu error yang menipu dengan judul ” crc: 04f6Bh” dan teks ” Error in packed file! ” .

10. VIRUS W32/Netsky-D
Virus ini juga mengirimkan serangan melalui IRC backdoor yang berfungsi juga menginfeksi komputer yang lemah.

11. VIRUS W32/Zafi-B
Virus ini menyerang peer-to-peer (P2P) dan email virus akan dicopy dengan sendirinya pada sistem folder windows yang akan diberi nama otomatis secara acak.

Business Letter

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1. Definition of Business Letter
A business letter is a formal communication from an organization to its customers, the general public for their information, another Company or the Authorities.  It is often written in a standard format, and in formal language, compared to a private letter between two people who are well known to each other.  The business letter will show things like the address and best way to communicate with the business - by return letter , e-mail or telephone. In general, the letter will be directed to a specific person and be about one topic.  Sometimes, the business letter will be looking for a response, but might be to give important information about an up-coming change of address or telephone number.  The letter might give information about new developments - a new website; launch of a new product.  To allow the sender to handle any response more efficiently, the business letter might contain key information such as an internal reference from the sender or related to the product in question.
There are a number of types of business letters in English. Accomplished speakers of English also need to be able to write the following types of business letters to be successful in business. Begin with a clear understanding of business letter writing basics. Once you've understood basic layout styles, standard phrases, salutation and endings, continue to improve your business letter writing skills by learning to write the following types of business letters.

2. Types of Business Letter
  • Making An Inquiry, Make an inquiry when you are requesting more information about a product or service. This type of business letter tends to include specific information such as product type, as well as asking for further details in the form of brochures, catalogs, telephone contact, etc. Making inquiries can also help you keep up on your competition!

  • Sales Letters, Sales Letters are used to introduce new products to new customers and past clients. It's important to outline an important problem that needs to be solved and provide the solution in sales letters. This example letter provides an outline, as well as important phrases to use when sending out a wide variety of sales letters.

  • Replying to an Inquiry, Replying to inquiries are one of the most important business letters that you write. Customers who make inquiries are interested in specific information, and are excellent business prospects. Learn how to thank the customers, provide as much information as possible, as well as make a call to action for a positive outcome.

  • Account Terms and Conditions, When a new customer opens an account it is essential to inform them of account terms and conditions. If you run a small business, it is common to provide these terms and conditions in the form of a letter. This guide provides a clear example on which you can base your own business letters providing account terms and conditions.

  • Letters of Acknowledgment, For legal purposes letters of acknowledgment are often requested. These letters are also referred to as letters of receipt and tend to be rather formal and short. These two examples letters will provide you with a template to use in your own work and can be easily adapted for a number of purposes.

  • Placing an Order, As a business person, you will often place an order - especially if you have a large supply chain for your product. This example business letter provides an outline to make sure your order placement is clear so that you receive exactly what you order.

  • Making a Claim, Unfortunately, from time to time it is necessary to make a claim against unsatisfactory work. This example business letter provides a strong example of a claim letter and includes important phrases to express your dissatisfaction and future expectations when making a claim.

  • Adjusting a Claim, Even the best business may make a mistake from time to time. In this case, you may be called upon to adjust a claim. This type of business letter provides an example to send to unsatisfied customers making sure that you address their specific concerns, as well as retain them as future customers.

  • Cover Letters, Cover letters are extremely important when applying for a new position. Cover letters should include a short introduction, highlight the most important information in your resume and elicit a positive response from your prospective employer. These two examples of cover letters are part of a larger section on the site providing all the information you will need on taking an interview in English during your job search.

3. Parts of Business Letter
  • The Heading (The Retern Address) or Letterhead - Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.
  • Date - Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all four digits October 12, 2005
    (12 October 2005 - UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings stndrdth, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.
  • The Inside Address - In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient's name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient's name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient 's name.
    The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.
  • The Greeting - Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).
  • The Subject Line (optional) - Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: orRe: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the "inside address," before the "greeting."
  • The Body Paragraphs - The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with "I". Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.
  • The Complimentary Close - This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting "Dear Sir or Madam" must end "Yours faithfully", while a letter starting "Dear " must end "Yours sincerely". (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized)
  • Signature and Writer’s identification - The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.
  • Initials, Enclosures, Copies - Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put 'Enclosure', 'Enc.', or ' Encs. ', as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. cc means a copy or copies are sent to someone else.
4. Style of Business Letter
The Styles of Business Letters (Layouts of Business Letters) have undergone changes over the period of time. In the old times, the style was followed strictly. But recently liberty has been given to the business people to follow their own styles. Although no room was allowed for deviation form the standard form an effective letter during old days, the letters written then was more effective. There are still many business houses which use the old layout. But things have become much easier and business people have taken liberty in their approach towards adopting the layout of their business letters.

Fully-Blocked Style, Modified Block Style and Simplified Style are widely used these days among the business houses. Fully-Indented Style, Semi-Indented Style and Hanging-Indented Style are not extensively used. But all can be used by all. There is no restriction in using one style over others. It is only you who should decide which should be the best for you to bring the desired results.  Usually the business letters are written on the letter head of the company. In case you have to write your letter in a white paper, please write your address before you start writing your letter. There are few people who suggest writing the sender’s address just below the date. This is also acceptable. There is not strict rule to suggest what is best for you. Let your sense of business judgment rule.